Tuesday 31 August 2010

Agatha Christie's The Pale Horse with Julia McKenzie as Miss Marple

I watched ITV's Agatha Christie's The Pale Horse last night, it was thoroughly enjoyable and I finally felt comfortable with Julia McKenzie as Miss Marple, she was excellent.

Odd that when you consider that Christie's The Pale Horse wasn't a Miss Marple at all.

Anyway it would appear that Julia McKenzie also feels that she has grown into the part,

“I feel pleased with the way Marple has been received and I’m enjoying it a lot more now.

“I think I was rather in shock in the first couple of films because I did take over the role very quickly. I was just so surprised to get the part, added to which was the trepidation of taking over such an iconic role. I feel now that I’m much more secure in the characterisation of Miss Marple.

“I feel I’ve settled into it and would like to play her for the rest of my working life if there are enough stories to go round.”

(Julia's quote from Sunday Mercury.Net)

So what do you think?

Monday 16 August 2010

Umbrella day?

A quick look out of the window this morning shows another grey day,
we may well be needing those umbrella's again.
Oh why, did it have to rain on St Swithun's?